Thursday, November 02, 2006

Why the Murphy life is never boring...

Tonight after I put the kids to bed I had to go to the laundry-mat (no, our dryer is still not hooked up yet!) and while the laundry was drying I went grocery shopping. Well, when I was about half-way through the store one of the lights went off, and I was wondering what the heck was going on but I still kept shopping. But then another couple of lights went off. At this point I looked around to see what was going on and it was at this point I realized that I was the only shopper in the entire store! Actually as I look back I don't remember seeing any other shoppers in the store the whole time I was there, but at the time I was completely oblivious! So I high-tailed it over to the check-out to find out that they had closed almost 10 minutes earlier! Whoops! So since I ended up finishing my shopping early I drove home and put the groceries away and then drove back to the laundry-mat. I had just walked back in from taking a load out to the car when *CLICK* the doors lock! Apparently the place locks automatically lock at 10pm! Thank God I was locked IN and not OUT because my keys were inside! (not to mention ALL of billy's work clothes!) So I took the rest of the clothes out and drive home. When I got into my driveway I reached over to the passenger side to grab one of my laundry baskets and was in the middle of not-so-gracefully trying to maneuver it out of my door when all of a sudden I had a spotlight shinning on me! Scared the stink out of me!!! I couldn't see anything so I had no idea what was going on. Well, turns out I had been going 5 mph over the speed limit and a cop followed my down my street and into the driveway! (I did see lights behind me when I pulled down our road, but thought it was our neighbors) Luckily he let me go after a verbal remrimand to watch my "pedal foot." WHEW!!!! What a night.


jodes said...

Oh My Goodness! LOL! When i was reading it I was thinking, "yep, that's a typical joanie night." :o)

Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...

Hi Joannie! Im glad you have a blog now. :) I hadn't even seen a pic of Haven and she is just a DOLL! She looks so much like you! And Harrison is so big and handsome! We are going to have to plan a coffee break soon!

Anonymous said...

hi nice page

Tim, Lisa, Logan, and Nathan Wilson said...

Joanie - keep yourself out of trouble! He-He-