Monday, March 12, 2007

Saturday Billy and the kiddos went to his parent's house for the day. They spent some time hanging out at the house, and in the afternoon they went to the circus! It was a small circus held indoors at Valpo University. The kids had a blast and ate a whole lot of new and colorful, sugary food! Unfortunately we didn't get any pics of the circus, but we did get some pics of Harrison "working" with grampy (he LOVES helping with yard work/shoveling/anything he can do outside where he gets to use his muscles and he feels like he's helping!) (by the way, we're willing to hire him out for a small fee!) =)
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
oh yeah, and haven was there too! =0

Friday, March 09, 2007

Our budding photographer

Harrison got hold of the camera while I was putting Haven down for a nap. By the time I came back the camera was back on the counter where I had left it and I didn't know that anything had happened! Harrison kept trying to tell me something about the camera, but i wasn't sure what he wanted. I thought he wanted to see the pictures on it. Turns out he was telling me that he had taken pictures on it! 20 pictures to be exact! He actually did a pretty good job, and it was really interesting to see life through the eyes of a 3 year old! Here a just a few of the pictures he took (I took the liberty to name them)

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"Box"this is his box house/space ship/truck/train -depending on what day it is!
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"Chandelier in the sky"

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"Painters Tape"

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"Variation On Painters Tape"

Thursday, March 08, 2007

girl time

Hey girlies, anyone want to come over Friday night? Jody and I are getting together because our guys are going out, and we thought we'd see if any of you wanted to join us! Let me know if you're interested!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Oh, I forgot to mention that we did get one drawer front installed. One lonely little drawer front in a sea of cabinets! I guess its a start!

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False Alarm

False alarm. We didn't get our cabinet doors and drawers on today. We hit a few minor snags and need to get some other parts before we can finish. Hopefully we can get everything in this weekend! *sigh*


Yesterday was a productive day in the Murphy house! Billy took the kids and went to his mom’s house for the day! Fun for them, not so fun for me. I stayed home and did some intensive pre-spring cleaning! I would’ve much rather gone with and had a fun day at my mother-in-laws house, but I did get a lot accomplished here, and it was nice of Billy (and his mom) to take the kids so I could get stuff done. Seems like I have this on-going list of things that I need to get done when I have extra time or when the kids are sleeping and I just never seem to get to the bottom of the list! Then last night my friend Dawn came over and she helped me paint until 11:30pm! AND…. we FINALLY got the rest of our hinges yesterday so this afternoon we are going to hang all of our cabinet doors and install the drawers!! HOOARY!! I’ll post some pictures this afternoon! I have to go get Harrison ready for school now. Just wanted to say hello to everyone!

Friday, March 02, 2007

A sad day for Mr. Snowman....

Mr. Snowman isn't fairing too well in this weather. The kids are becoming increasingly disturbed as he is losing body parts! First his eyes fell out, than his smile came off, followed by his entire head! And now he is slowly becoming more and more emaciated. Harrison is taking it hard, poor guy!

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(Btw, the Christmas ornaments were his eyes and the blue thing was his smile! What can I say, we're creative!)