Thursday, November 30, 2006

Catching up

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been keeping my blog updated, life has been crazy busy lately. It's too bad I don't have the pictures to prove it! I took wonderful pictures of Thanksgiving, and of our family going "Christmas tree picking" (as Harrison calls it) and decorating the house, and of our progress on our house, and of all the other things that we've been up to. Only I'm one of those old fashioned people who don't own a digital camera! *gasp!* So unless I get highly motivated to run our film to the store as soon as we've finished a roll (which rarely happens) it usually ends up in film purgatory for a month or two. You can probably expect to see our apple picking pictures (which I promised about a month ago) somewhere around late December and Christmas pictures sometime in the spring! Just thought I'd give you a heads up! =)

I do, however, have Christmas pictures! It's a miracle to even have these. Anyone who knows my children can imagine how hard it is to keep them still long enough to get a picture! I had to bring my mom with just to play "catcher" because they both are constantly bolting! Enjoy!

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


jodes said...

i LOVE them!! Haven's little personality really shines though - very cool! And Harrison... what a little hottie!! Yeah, yeah, yeah, i can say it. film purgatory..... is that sorta like sock purgatory??

i can not wait to get to work tomorrow to show off the two of them!! i have friends who ask to see pics but I never really have any. They'll be excited. :~D

jodes said...

joanie - i noticed. ;o)~

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute is Haven's face! They are both getting so big!

Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...

What beautiful pictures! (Helps to have beautiful children!!) Dominique was imitating Haven's face in that last adorable shot. ;)

Holly said...

Great pictures! Haven's such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

How cute your kids are!!!