Monday, February 19, 2007

No, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. I am actually updating my blog! I realize that it's been over a month since the last time I said that I would be updating soon. I'm sorry for this delay and any inconvience this may have caused, and we are actively taking steps to correct this problem. Please be assured that we will do our best to make sure this doesn't happen in the future. He he. (See, my PR skill HAVE paid off!)

Anyway, us Murphys have been doing well. One of the biggest things that has happened recently is that Billy quit his job and is working for himself full time! It is and will be a lot of work, but we are really excited. And it has been really great having Billy working from home. For the most part he stays in his office most of the day (when he's home) but it's nice to have lunch and breakfast with him. He can also take time off for special things, he took the afternoon off on Valentine's day and also took some time off so that we could all take Harrison to his first day of school!)

Harrison started "school!" It's actually just a program with the park district one day a week. But to him it's school! He just started last week and he loves it! When we were getting ready to take him to school he said that it was ok and that he would just wait for the bus to come get him! He was so disappointed when he found out that he wasn't going to be riding the bus!

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He looks so serious here, this must have been after I told him that the school bus wasn't coming to get him!

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Showing off his Elmo back-pack, which he was so excited to wear even though he has nothing to put in it!

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Oh, I almost forgot! Our Durrango wouldn't start last week when it was really cold and I told Harrison that it needed a needed a new battery. Well, when we were inside later Harrison ran up to me SO excited because he had found some AA batteries and wanted to go fix the truck! It was so cute!


Anonymous said...

AA batteries and screwdrivers fix everything in this house per miss EM. No school bus you gotta be kidding. Emmalee would look the same way she can't wait.

jodes said...

i still love the battery story!! LOL! He looks so old in these pictures!! Its kinda sad.

jodes said...

p.s. I bet Kylie would be jealous to hear he's going to school!!

Unknown said...

wow going to school...when did any of us get old enough to have kids going to any kind of school!