Friday, December 26, 2008

It’s been a busy few months around here! Thanks to everyone who has faithfully continued to check our blog! For those of you who don’t have facebook, you need to get it! I’m on there a lot more often than I am on here!

Here is a quick re-cap on what’s happened the past few months:

Haven turned 3
Harrison played t-ball
We had several fun weekends away
Both kids started preschool
We finished our bathroom remodel (almost)
We redecorated our bedroom
We finished most of the trim on the first floor
Hudson was born!!
Harrison turned 5

Hopefully I’ll be posting pics of all these things soon. But for now here are some random pics from the month of December.










These last few are from St. Nicholas Day. Since Harrison's b-day is the day before we usually have a cake for him too. (it's not the best pic, but it's the only one I got before my camera died!)




(sorry, can't figure out why these 2 pictures are so big!)



jodes said...

Big pictures are good, and they're not any bigger than the others. You need to save them to your desktop then load from there so we can have them enlarge when we click on them! ;o) Your kids are darling. And i have to say, i have NEVER seen that look on Harrison before - LOL!!

Jessica said...

Joan? Is this really you updating your blog?!'s a Christmas miracle!

Well I suppose all those pictures were worth waiting 7 months for!!! Almost.... ;) I love those pictures of Hudson.

I LOVE Harrison's face! I'm with Jody, I've never seen that look before.

Thanks for FINALLY updating. :)

Tim, Lisa, Logan, and Nathan Wilson said...

Yeah! You're back. I love baby feet!!! I also love Haven's hair long.

Unknown said...


I've said it before and I'll say it again......YOU ARE AN AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHER! How precious these pictures are of my little niece and nephews. Hopefully the girls and I will get to Valpo this summer to visit mom and dad and I'll hire you to take photos of Kimmee and Nikki. BTW, you look fabulous!


Joanie, Billy, Harrison, Haven, Hudson, and Holden said...

Hi Sherri! Thanks for leaving a comment! And for the compliment! I would LOVE to take pics of your girls!! It's been way too long since we've seen you guys! We miss you!

To everyone else... good things come to those who wait! Ha ha! I will try not to let another 7 months go by though!