Monday, April 16, 2007

We had such a great day yesterday! The weather was BEAUTIFUL!!! Jody and Boz came over to ride bikes with us in the afternoon. (We have a really nice bike path here by the way, if anyone ever wants to come over for a bike/run/walk!) I was so proud of us, we did our first “brick.” We biked 7 miles and then went for a run right afterwards. YEAH for us! If felt so great to finally be putting our “disciplines” together. (hey, I’m even starting to sound like a triathlete now! Ha ha!) Afterwards we had a bonfire and Mike and Christa stopped by. Billy and I borrowed Mike’s motorcycle and went for a ride. I forgot how much I love motorcycles!!!! I think we may just have to put our house improvements on hold and buy a bike. Oh, and a live in nanny so that we can go any time we want. Hmmm… on second thought maybe we’ll just have to wait a few years! Oh well…. we always have our Schwinns! =)

*ok, I was just informed that we have "Trek" bikes, not Schwinns. I'm sorry for any confusion this may have caused!

1 comment:

jodes said...

You don't even know what bike you have! LOL!! And you certainly are sounding like a triathlete!! YAY!!

10 weeks till our (hopeful) first tri!!! I'm so excited.