Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Yesterday was a productive day in the Murphy house! Billy took the kids and went to his mom’s house for the day! Fun for them, not so fun for me. I stayed home and did some intensive pre-spring cleaning! I would’ve much rather gone with and had a fun day at my mother-in-laws house, but I did get a lot accomplished here, and it was nice of Billy (and his mom) to take the kids so I could get stuff done. Seems like I have this on-going list of things that I need to get done when I have extra time or when the kids are sleeping and I just never seem to get to the bottom of the list! Then last night my friend Dawn came over and she helped me paint until 11:30pm! AND…. we FINALLY got the rest of our hinges yesterday so this afternoon we are going to hang all of our cabinet doors and install the drawers!! HOOARY!! I’ll post some pictures this afternoon! I have to go get Harrison ready for school now. Just wanted to say hello to everyone!


jodes said...

Woo-Hoo!! I can't wait to see the long awaited hinges!! What a difference doors will make! LOL! Bye-bye bags. ;o)

Anonymous said...

YAY for you!!! It's always nice to get things done even if you don't want to do them.

Anonymous said...

OK now I am doing it with Jody.

Brooke said...

I'm impressed! Want to come do some "intesive pre-spring cleaning" at my place?

Tim, Lisa, Logan, and Nathan Wilson said...

We need a play date at your house so I can see it and Logan can play with Harrison. It needs to be a Monday/Friday though!

Joanie, Billy, Harrison, Haven, Hudson, and Holden said...

That would be fun, you should definitely come over! I'm free most Mondays and Fridays. Let me know what works for you!

Joanie, Billy, Harrison, Haven, Hudson, and Holden said...

I'm not a big fan of cleaning, but I can be bought for a price, Brooke! =)

Brooke said...

How big of a price????